Bambino’s Nursery is conveniently located on Uttoxeter Road in Blythe Bridge and has a spacious enclosed playground and grassed area which overlooks the open countryside
We offer an interesting and varied range of play and learning experiences in a stimulating and friendly environment whilst catering for individual preferences. Our daycare nursery aims to provide exciting learning opportunities and experiences that promote the all-round development of children, both socially and educationally. We promote learning opportunities both indoors and outdoors and ensure that children can enjoy learning and playing outside all year round. Our outside area also boasts a large grassed play area alongside vegetable patches allowing children to be actively involved in the planting and growing of vegetables and flowers.
Alongside the nursery we also run an out of school club and provide a daily transport service to and from the Nursery to our 2 local feeder schools – St Filumena’s and William Amory. A timetable for events and activities is available during non-term time and we welcome all children between the ages of 5 and 11 years.
The nursery is open all year round, Monday-Friday, excluding bank holidays and Christmas week.
Bambino’s Nursery is an Ofsted registered nursery with the facilities for out of school care. Ofsted have the right to inspect our nursery without prior arrangement. From their inspection they will provide us a detailed report of their findings. If you would like to look at our latest Ofsted report then please ask a member of the management team and one will be made available for you to take away.
Here at the nursery we like to work in partnership with parents and carers to provide the best possible care and development opportunities for each child. We like the nursery to be as welcoming for parents as it is for children. Our aim at Bambino’s Nursery is to continue to provide a good and safe learning environment for all children and ultimately send children on to their next stage of life happy and confident.